Monday, July 19, 2010

Adios, Hasta Luego, Ciao!

Well it is THE big day. I am leaving home and setting out on part one of a very long journey. I elave for LA today and basically all I have to do is step on and off a plane and check in at the hotel. I am, needless to say, close to nausea but I want to attribute at least half of that to being sooooo excited that I have no idea what to do with myself. So I am going to try and just take one day at a time so I dont get overwhelmed by looking at the whole next two years all at once. Thank you to all of my friends and family for sending me so much support and love during my last month here. I will really miss all of you. I want to say keep in touch but I feel like thats such a lame way of saying: I am going to miss you so friggin bad, PLEASE write me, email me, VISIT! I think my biggest fear overall, the one that I havent voiced to anyone, is that I dont want this amazing experience to be a reason to lose contact with everyone that I hold near and dear in the U.S. So when I say, keep in touch, I guess I really mean, dont fade out of my life and/or dont let me fade out of yours!

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